
Beat The Menthol Blog with Bull Brand

Are you missing menthol cigarettes, menthol flavoured tobacco, or cigars with that menthol edge after the ban of 2020?

Not to worry, because Bull Brand is here to help you enjoy the taste of the smoke menthol cigarettes were able to provide, with a brilliant range of flavoured tobacco, flavoured cigarillos, menthol-flavoured e-liquids and more in our menthol cigarette alternatives range.

But first, let’s take a look at the logic behind the menthol ban, and why menthol cigarettes are deemed as a public health risk by the government and those who oppose the tobacco industry.

The menthol cigarette ban - tobacco control for public health

Menthol Regulation

In May 2020, the UK government applied an overnight ban on tobacco companies selling menthol cigarettes and the sale of menthol cigarettes in the UK.

This ban on menthol cigarettes covered all kinds of menthol tobacco, and targeted menthol smokers all over the country by applying to menthol-based, ready-made cigarettes, as well as flavoured hand-rolling menthol tobacco.

The main reason for the ban on menthol cigarettes was a combination of public health purposes and tobacco control, in an attempt to reduce the chance of young people starting to smoke tobacco. It’s thought that flavoured tobacco and the sale of menthol cigarettes makes cigarettes and smoking more appealing to the younger generations, so the use of menthol was banned across the entire UK.

The government basically didn’t want menthol smokers to become a gateway into smoking, so they attempted to eradicate menthol smokers altogether with the ban.

It was to help people quit smoking in general, too, as part of an overarching public health initiative to help people quit smoking and to encourage them to not smoke menthol cigarettes. It changed the cigarette market and cigars market in a big way, as flavoured tobacco, cigarettes, and cigars were now not allowed. However, since the ban, plenty of menthol tobacco alternatives started to crop up around the UK.

What did the banning of menthol in cigarettes mean for the tobacco industry and tobacco products?

Menthol Cigarettes

The menthol ban meant that tobacco companies couldn’t sell their menthol cigarettes or tobacco products in the UK and people therefore couldn’t smoke menthol cigarettes at all.

The instant ban also meant that flavoured rolling tobacco and flavoured cigarettes quickly became a thing of the past in the UK tobacco industry, all in the name of public health. This, understandably, caused quite a stir with menthol smokers, and non-menthol cigarettes and tobacco were non-existent or at least severely lacking at the time.

However, this is not the case anymore. Because even though the use of menthol cigarettes has technically declined to zero, the cigarette market and tobacco companies within it have responded and in turn, created a range of non-menthol alternatives to menthol cigarettes and tobacco.

And luckily for you, right here at Bull Brand is the perfect place to buy the best menthol cigarette alternatives from the best smoking accessory companies. We have a vast range of items that can add flavour to your smoke.

Tobacco products and menthol alternatives with Bull Brand

The decision to ban menthol tobacco and to ban menthol in cigarettes meant upheaval in the tobacco industry and to the lives of menthol cigarette smokers. Fortunately, we stock a range of menthol alternatives, from non-menthol cigarettes to flavoured cigarettes and more, so you can enjoy the flavours you love, even with the menthol ban in place. Let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent menthol alternatives.

Kendal Gold Cherry Menthol Pipe Tobacco is one of the more popular menthol alternatives since the ban on menthol cigarettes was implemented, and it’s one we stock right here at Bull Brand.

It represents extremely good value for money and comes in an easily resealable 25g pouch for the price of £6.73, and it’s infused with a menthol flavour and a more course tobacco which makes it perfect for pipe smokers.

Menthol Filters

Another fine set of alternatives to menthol cigarettes comes in the form of filter tips, which can be flavoured with a menthol taste. Our favourites are our very own Bull Brand Blue Ice (Berry and Menthol) Capsule Slim Filter Tips, which encapsulate the rich berry and cool menthol flavour inside a crush ball, perfectly nestled in the centre of each filter tip.

This helps you customise each and every smoke, with a simple squeeze of the tip needed to create a satisfying pop and menthol flavoured sensation within your tobacco.

We also have 250 packs of Blue Ice (Berry and Menthol) Slim Filter Tips available, as well as the Bull Brand Menthol Capsule Slim Filter Tips. Again, these come in ultra slim 250 packs as well as slim filter tips bags.

Cbd Vape

For those smokers who have veered onto vape usage rather than cigarettes, hand-rolled tobacco, or tobacco pipes, we also have a range of menthol flavoured E-liquids available to purchase online.

One of our newest editions of these comes in the form of the CBD Vape Menthol Cool Flavoured CBD E-Liquid, which boasts a crisp, fresh, minty menthol flavour alongside the many benefits of CBD oil. It’s incredibly pure as far as CBD goes, and is not only very effective, but easy on the wallet coming in at £5.50 per bottle.

Menthol Cool Mint 

The Happy Days Menthol Cool Mint E-Liquid is another fantastic variety of E-liquids with a menthol edge, coming in packs of five at £12 per pack and offering the slight tingle associated with menthol cigarettes in a medium strength liquid. The Passing Clouds Menthol E-Liquids are also extremely popular with our customers, providing a higher nicotine level and double the flavour concentrate when compared to our competitors.

Menthol Freeze Cards

Then we have the Freezecard menthol flavour cards, coming in cherry, forest fruits, ice, lemon, and straight up menthol flavour. These are revolutionary in design and add that touch of flavour to your cigarettes in a simple, innovative fashion. All you need to do is place your card into your pack of cigarettes and wait for anywhere from 60 minutes to 3 hours for the flavours to ooze into your cigarettes. This is a marked step forward in the non-menthol smoking game, and offers the flavour of menthol, as well as any of the many flavours on offer, without actually altering or replacing the cigarettes you regularly smoke.

The Sterling Dual Menthol Capsule Leaf Wrapped Cigarillos is an extremely popular product on the Bull Brand site, available in packs of 20 for £9.10 each. With a mentholated capsule in each filtered cigarillo, a peppermint menthol flavour can be released with each and every smoke. This is a fantastic option for menthol cigar or cigarillo lovers who still want to experience the unique flavoured smoke of menthol within a cigarillo.

And the fact that they come from Sterling, one of the leading brands in the tobacco industry, gives you that additional layer of confidence around what it is you’re purchasing.

Beat the menthol ban with Bull Brand

If you have any questions about the menthol products we have on our site, tobacco control or cigarettes in general, don’t hesitate to get in touch today. We’re happy to offer you any information on the government’s attempt at tobacco control, as well as provide you with alternatives to menthol cigarettes that don’t break the laws of the ban of menthol cigarettes in the UK.

To get in touch, simple visit our contact page. And don’t forget, we regularly update our Bull Brand blog section with lots of information on cigarettes and the tobacco industry in general.