Rollie's, roll your own, ciggie or what ever you chose to call cigarettes made by the end user have been undergoing a resurgence in popularity in the last few years. Why is this? The basic economics of the cost of a packet of 'straight' (pre-made) cigarettes is probably one of the main factors, with the average pack of twenty retailing at around £9.60 it's certainly not a cheap activity. This makes the average cigarette cost about £2; whilst it's hard to estimate the cost of rolled cigarettes as everyone is made differently, an estimate is that the cost is somewhere around the 70p-£1 per smoke mark so in a cost conscious world, by rolling your own you can make big savings.
Additionally consumers also like the option to personalise their smokes. Firstly you can select you tobacco, here at Bull Brand we have a small but well formed range. From the additive free Manitou tobacco to the the pipe shag tobacco which has a stronger flavour and burns much slower; the kick back of this is that the choice is yours - you can develop your own combination of smoke to give you the best flavour possible. Then there are the varying options of filter tips and types of papers available and you can fast see why no one rolled cigarette is the same. We've even worked to make rolling your own cigarette easier, we have a wide range of cigarette rolling machines in stock here at Bull Brand. Some of these rolling machines are very simple whilst some are more complex and act as a tobacco tin for you to carry your accessories in one neat package. If you've not rolled with a rolling machine before it will speed things up no end! Check out our range here.